I had hoped I would be concise and finish with just "P. G. Wodehouse Rocks !". But looks like I can't escape PGW's influence and just need to use long-winded sentences. I have finished 2 of his books and now 3 unread PGW, lying in my library, beckon me. Lets see, what they turn me into ?
PGW created such amazing plots, filled with peculiar but adorable characters (much like Kareena Kareena). I wonder how he wrote all this ? Was it at one go ? Or one chapter per week ? Were these serialized in some magazine, like Dickens & Alexamder Dumas ? Did he make a hundred drafts ? Did he create the plot first and then fleshed it up with his wit and wordplay ? There is so little I know of his writing method. I have purposely refrained from Googling him too much. Want to let the mystery continue. Ignorance is bliss.
Upon your recommendation, Prithi, I am going to check him out!
And I'll make you one, too - have you read Alexandar McCall Smith's "No. 1 Lady Detective" series? SO GOOD - funny, unique - just great.
2 recommendations - hmm, will surely check it out.
Thanks a ton! For inspiring me to create my own blog! I read yours and wanted to post- but couldn't:( till I created my own blog.
I love PGW too and stay in B'lore & miss Kareena Kareena! BTW, do you watch Takeshi's castle?
Having been my inspiration, please do check out my newly minted (fresh off the net today) blog! See you around.
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