Now that I have completed 2 years in Georgia, it does feels like home. I have familiar favorite driving routes, favorite stores for particular items, and familiar strangers who are almost friends.
My initial experience posts are here and here.
Exploring the waterfalls of the state one by one. Every trail I went to and peeped at the woods, it reminded me of Hunger Games movie. Turns out, woods of District 12 in all 4 Hunger Games movies were shot right here in Georgia.
And one by S Aishwarya & S Saundarya.
Yet I am still wide-eyed at some things uniquely Georgia.
There are ice-cream stores, which are one strip mall size with luxurious car-parking real-estate, then the eaters get to eat in open-air. No seating arrangements too. That's unique I would say. Make sense to gobble ice-cream in the heat.
And this state is truly multi-lingual. I did get a hint that this is a hub of immigrants. Once you are immune to the diverse faces, nothing highlights the diversity more than the smattering of languages you hear in a crowded places. There is always some Russian, Czech, Spanish, Chinese, Telugu, Punjabi, Gujrati, Arabic to be heard everywhere.
Anytime there is hurricane or low pressure in Florida, it will definitely be rainy monsoon here. Or mild windy day here, means storm in Florida. That's how much GA & FL are linked.
Fall ! Leaves ! Oh the never ending horror of it. Got a glimpse of it last year and full force this year. And then , there was a day in November, where it rained Acorns - yes a windy day blew all acorns from the tree. It hurt us & hurt the car. I chased and parked car far away.
The mosaic of shade & sunlight filtering through the trees onto the winding roads. As poetic as it sounds, its a driving hazard. Sunglasses can't handle that frequent light shifts. Even without one, its feels scary you might run someone over. And this in a country where almost no one almost jaywalks.
Round-a-bouts - they are standard feature in Georgia. And very genius idea too. They are more efficient than 4-way STOP signals. They keep the traffic flowing.
Did I complain about Georgia's greenery enough ? Below is a view on the side of road undergoing expansion. The mountains of tree roots & stumps. After few weeks, there was a new realization and respect for the Georgia Road construction workers and companies. And for those from the past who built those single lane roads winding through forest between cities. They really cut through mountains and intense vegetation, to put it mildly.