Away from the city. And then it took nearly an hour to go from entrance parking lot to the actual park ! Infrastruture to get people to actual park, is comparable to an actual city one. Across river by boats or by monorail. That did feel like Hogwarts entrance.
With springbreak going on in most of the states, there was a sizable crowd, which only added to the festive spirit.
And looking at the crowds, it made me wonder what recession was the media talking about ? I mean, people are living and spending just like before. Jobs are being lost yes. But that's not because people are saving-more-&-spending-less - as the media would like all to believe. The downturn is because of miscalculation by the bigger fish. But as usual media would like to pin down the blame on the silent majority. Phew, let me get on track.
Morning parade of practically all Disney characters.
Animatrix display of puppets co-ordinated with lights, sounds, even water.
I was so tempted to apply for job here. Surely they need designers, light-sound-water-software-hardware-structural-everything engineers, entertainers, what not. I can't think of any job description, that does not fit here.
The castle is the centerpiece. And maybe a million shows & rides around it. We did cover the whole place. Thanks to the maps and the Fast-Pass system.
And with dusk, things got even better. Castle looked more magical with all the lights.
Then at 8pm, they started the Lighted parade. Totally Ganeshostav-in-Pune style.
And finally fireworks at 10. Now I could say this was Diwali-style, but even better. Millions of rockets in sync with background music.
I know this blog is on a photo overload. But I just had to share each & every photo of that dazzaling fireworks. Truely amazing work there.